Tuesday 12 February 2013



Hi, welcome to my final year project diary. This blog will essentially be a work diary for me to keep updated on the progress of my final year project.

The Project 

I have chosen to create a 3D environment for my project. I will be using a piece of concept art from Deus Ex: Human Revolution and will be, somewhat loosely, following this as a style guide and motivation. I do not want to shackle myself by declaring I will be making a perfect recreation of the piece in 3D form as I want the freedom to branch out as and when I wish to so that I can keep my interest fresh and create the scene as I see fit.

The environment itself will be created in the Unreal Development Kit and populated with models which I will create in 3DS Max and detailed in Mudbox if warranted, I am also interested in incorporating nDo2 into my workflow when possible as this increases the speed at which I can create the models. Once the model is complete it will be taken into Photoshop where I will create the necessary textures before being exported into UDK. I plan to make use of the engine's fantastic material editor and the engine's particle system, Cascade, as well as Kismet for any basic animations. 

I actually began my project a few months but unfortunately did not create a blog at the beginning so my first few entries will be a catch up on what I have done so far. Once these are done I plan to update the blog as much as possible, but at least once a week.

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